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Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Jane AustenPoems and Favorite PoemsEveryman's Poetry 52
J.M. Dent, London
© J.M. Dent 1998

Trade Paperback
Retail Price £2
Retail Price $3.50US

Selected and Edited by Douglas Brooks-David

I will admit that I have not read many of the excellent books by Jane Austen, but this book, Jane Austen: Poems and Favourite Poems, came my way, and today I sat down and took a look. Jane Austen wrote very few poems, 20 in all it seems is the number. They poetry is entertaining, fun, and as the editor describes, a window of sorts into the personal Jane Austen, who died in her early forties from what may have been Addison's disease.
If that were all the book contained I might wonder if it had much value, but there is so much more that will delight and aid the Jane Austen student and afficionado.
  • Chronology of the life of Jane Austen with a parallel chronology of times in which she lived
  • Introduction
  • Jane Austen's Poems
  • Excerpts from the poems Jane Austen is known to have read and valued. Included poets: James Beatti, Isaac Hawkins Browne, Robert Burns, Lord Byron, Thomas Campbell, William Cowper, George Crabbe, David Garrick, John Gay, Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Gray, James Merrick, John Milton, Thomas Moss, Alexander Pope, Matthew Prior, Anon (Robin Adair), Sir Walter Scott, Robert Southey, James Thomson, William Whitehead
  • Notes
As it happens, Quality Music and Books has obtained a quantity of these books as publisher's overstock/slightly hurt copies, and is offering them at the great value of $2.50 each. Click HERE and you will be directed right to that QMB page.

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