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Saturday, January 17, 2009


Concerning Infants in HeavenJohn Linton, Author
Foreword by J. C. Macaulay, D.D.
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Grand Rapids MI
86 pages

Reviewer: Mary Katherine May, owner of Quality Music and Books.

This is an interesting topic. As stated in the book, it seems that there are many people, at least in 1949, that asked questions not only about whether unbaptized infants go to heaven, but what happens once they are there.

John Linton answers the questions with biblical verse. It will be the decision of the reader as to how far afield from Scripture the verses wander.

CONTENTS: Introduction; (1) Death Does Not End Existence; (2) Do Infants Go to Heaven?; (3) Are the Dead Conscious?; (4) The Saints Enjoy Fellowship in Heaven; (5) The Soul Grows in Knowledge and Experience; (6) The Soul Has a Spirit Form in Heaven; (7) Infants Grow to Maturity; (8) With What Body Will Infants Come Forth at the Resurrection?; (9) Summary

Many of the questions Mr. Linton answers have never crossed my mind, and the questions asked as well as the answers seemed very curious to me. One answer seemed contradictory: Linton gave two verses demonstrating that God new the person before birth (Jeremiah 1:5), / that salvation was demonstrated while the infant was in the womb (John the Baptist), yet the discussion was salvation before the "age of responsibility." I am assuming this is in regard to the never-ending baptism/salvation discussion.

So if you need answers to the following questions and more, though you may not believe the answers given, this is the book for you.

Question: Does knowledge of God grow after getting to heaven?
Question: Do babies stay babies in heaven, or do they continue to grow and mature into adults?
Question: Will you recognize your loved ones when you get to heaven?
Question: When your baby grows up in heaven, will you be able to recognize your baby who is now an adult?
Question: When Jesus judges everyone, will those who died in infancy or as children have adult bodies or infant/child bodies?

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