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Saturday, May 15, 2010

JESUS CALLING by Sarah Young Book Review

Jesus Calling
Devotions for Every Day of the Year
Sarah Young, author
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Release date:  October 2004
ISBN:  978-1-5914-5188-4
Retail price (this edition):  $14.99

Recommended Book

Regarding devotional books of the daily variety, we Christians do have our favorites.  Whether Max Lucado, Oswald Chambers--in the classic or updated form, or Joyce Meyers or someone else--once a favorite, always a favorite. 

That God has created us each to be unique unto one's self is one of those delightful facts of creation.  And because of this fact, each one of us--though hearing the same voice--hears it in the way that will be significant to our uniqueness.

God speaks to me for the most part with a more traditional voice. Some might think my mind a bit archaic, but it is what pleases me.  I am particularly fond of Chambers' My Utmost for His Highest, as written by him, not with the modern language.  When new authors, composers, and artists present their Christian interpretation, I do not jump in with both feet until I have tested the waters.

I found out about Jesus Calling by Sarah Young through a fellow church member who asked me to order it for her.  Her recommendation was strong enough for me to order one for myself to review.  Though not all books in our webstore,, are given a review before being placed for sale, many of them are. 

Jesus Calling, Devotions for Every Day of the Year by Sarah Young, is one that having been tested, I find exceptionally worthy of being tested by others for their approval.  The theology is basic and true, the words are comforting, encouraging, and inspiring.

I generally skip introductions in books because of the desire to get into the action ASAP.  I want to start reading the actual book.  When going through Jesus Calling, I read the entire introduction.  Sarah Young's faith journey is not very different from many others.  It began with a still, small voice, and grew.  God met her where she was in life and slowly introduced Himself.  Here I am, he said.  Once noticed, Sarah had a desire to know more, and hungered for that completeness that is only found by living through the one and only God, whose son is Jesus Christ.

Today Sarah lives with her husband, Steve, in Australia.  Steve is a third-generation missionary, whose calling is to the Japanese.  Sarah's sensitive, gentle nature is used by the Lord in a counseling ministry.

Lastly, I would like to contrast this book of a true Christian nature with that of a book that I previously reviewed titled The Unfinished Cross by Dave Austin.  The author of The Unfinished Cross used a process the same as what Sarah has used, that of quiet meditation and writing down the Lord's message that comes through the Holy Spirit.  Sarah Young's message is Christian.  God speaks to her in her life--that it also speaks to us is but for the same world and same issues that we all experience.  This is not the case with the other author or his book, which goes completely against biblical teaching.

Link to books by Sarah Young published by Thomas Nelson, Nashville TN.

I recommend this book.

Mary and Rick May own, an online Christian music, book and gift webstore, based in Minneapolis, MN.  Mary's internet name is babamarusia.

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