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Saturday, October 6, 2018

1881 Book Ads for Use as a Research Resource and Book Selling Information

1881 Book Ads for Use 
as a Research Resource and Book Selling Information
The following are advertisement pages at the end of a book published by the Religious Tract Society, London, England, 1881. 

This blog post by Mary Katherine May of Quality Music and Books.

Missionary Books
1. Madagascar and France. With some Account of the Island, its People, its Resources, and Development. By George A. Shaw.

2. Child Life in Chinese Homes. By Mrs. Bryson, of Wuchang, China.
This is a beautiful and touching account of Chinese Child Life from infancy to early manhood and womanhood. Mrs. Bryson has lived and worked for years in China, and hence her book contains nothing but accurate and first-hand information. The second part contains the Stories of a number of Chinese Children. The book gives a true insight into the ways, the joys, the sorrows of the Children of China. 

3. Old Highways in China. By Isabelle Williamson, of the London Mission, Chefoo.

4. Work and Adventure in New Guinea, 1877 to 1885. By James Chalmers, of Port Moresby, and W. Wyatt Gill, B.A. Author of "Life in the Southern Isles," & c. 
This book describes seven years of work along the South-Eastern Coast of New Guinea, the part over which the English protectorate has just been proclaimed. Mr. Chalmers knows more of New Guinea than any other European. Mr. Gill's views on the progress of Christianity and his Botanical, Zoological, and Ethnological observations are of high value.

5. Protestant Missions in India from their Commencement in 1706 to 1882. By the Rev. M.A. Sherring, M.A., LL.B. Newly revised and brought down to date. By the Rev. E. Storrow. With four maps.

6. Among the Mongols. By the Rev. James Gilmour, M.A. (of Peking). With Map and numerous Engravings from Photographs and Native Sketches. 

By-Paths of Bible Knowledge
1. Babylonian Life and History. By E.A. Wallis Budge, B.A., Camb., Assistant in the Department of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum. 

2. Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments. By A.H. Sayce, M.A., Deputy Professor of Comparative Philology, Oxford, etc. Second Edition, revised.

3. Cleopatra's Needle. A History of the London Obelisk, with an Exposition of the Hieroglyphics. By the Rev. J. King, Lecturer for the Palestine Exploration Fund.

4. Recent Discoveries on the Temple Hill at Jerusalem. By the Rev. J. King, M.A., Authorised Lecturer to the Palestine Exploration Fund. With Maps, Plans, and Illustrations.

5. Just Published. Galilee in the Time of Christ. By Selah Merrill, D.D., Author of "East of the Jordan," & C. With Map. This book, never before issued in England, gives in small compass all that is known of the condition, cities, resources, & C., of Galilee in the days of our Lord's life on earth.

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