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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I LOVED JESUS IN THE NIGHT Mother Teresa of Calcutta Book Review

Book Review
Teresa of Calcutta: A Secret Revealed
Paul Murray, author
Published by Paraclete Press
ISBN 978-1-55725-579-2
Retail: $18.95

Reviewed by Caridad C. Recommended Book

Fr. Paul Murray had met Mother Teresa on different occasions. Mother Teresa comes from a family of eight, and she said that God didn't select her from the poorest of the poor. She had dark times, but she became stronger to God and the Lord Jesus Christ in those times. Mother Teresa said at one time that she is married to Christ. In some of her private writings, "to burn myself completely--in order that Christ might become better known and loved." She was a joyful person, and her speaking was simple but to the point.

When she spoke, all would listen. Mother Teresa spoke one time in 1981 to some young people, "Young people want to see our undivided love for Christ." She would write at night on the cheapest paper, and she would speak of herself as a pencil in the hand of God. Mother Teresa has always been my role model, and she gives me the faith that no matter what size you are, God is always with you. One priest had spent a lot of time with her, and found no fault with her. The priest pointed out that Christ was the only one that was perfect. The times you have dark sides in your life, Mother Teresa points out that she became stronger in her faith in God and in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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