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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

GODS AND KINGS by Lynn Austin Book Review

Babamarusia's Christian Book Review

Gods and Kings
Chronicles of the Kings Series

Lynn Austin, Author
Plotting and intrigue in the House of David..

Reviewed by CARIDAD C: Recommended Book

I really liked the book, since I am a Christian. I compared "Gods and Kings" novel to the parts of the Bible in 2 Kings. The novel made me search out the new Testament.

King Ahaz had a second son, Hezekiah. The idol, Molech, is followed by King Ahaz. The story starts out where Hezekiah and his brother, Eliab, were woken up in the middle of the night by the king's soldiers. Instead of going to the Temple of Yehoweh where the king usually offers sacrifices, they were taken to make sacrifices to Molech. Eliab was the future king of Judah. The Molech monster devoured Eliab. They took him because he was the oldest. other noblemen and city officials offered their sons into Molech's arms.

Eliab was the brother of Hezekiah, and his mother was Abyah. Abyah tried to protect Hezekiah, and Hezekiah was very young at the time. Zechariah was Hezekiah's grandfather on his mother's side. He was an alcoholic. The high priest is Uriah, who strives for power, and he worshipped Molech.
Hezekiah's instructor was guided by Shebna, an Egyptian intellectual. Abyah's father had promised her to the House of David. King Uzziah, King Ahaz's father, went into the Holy Place against the priest's orders, and was cursed with leprosy. Then Ahaz became king, and he was a bad king. Then Assyria was given gold for the purpose of alliance.

I would recommend this book, because it has references in the Bible in regard to Hezekiah, his mother, King David, Zechariah, and Isaiah. It has you searching in the Bible. I am looking forward to reading other books in this series.
Caridad is a friend of Rick and Mary May, owner of, who host this blog.

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