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Saturday, July 25, 2009

BAPTISM GOD'S ACTIVITY OF GRACE by Morris Vaagenes Book Review

Baptism: God's Activity of Grace
Morris Vaagenes, author
Publisher: Kirk House, Minneapolis MN
ISBN: 1-933794-01-1

Retail price: $15.00

Recommended Book

There is something different about Dr. Morris Vaagenes' book on Baptism than readers will generally find in the majority of books written on this subject by other authors whose background is, or who are, protestant. As a Lutheran pastor steeped in the doctrines and teachings of Martin Luther, he had no reason to believe otherwise than that through water and the Word, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that children begin their Christian life with this sacrament, and that people of any age are baptized without the practice of full immersion.

Yet, if Pastor Morris has experienced as I have the vocal and written criticism of this practice, it would be enough cause to stop and think--and that is what he did. Here is where his book begins. Dr. Vaagenes, as I have had the experience of knowing him personally, has the gift of being highly intelligent, but more importantly a person who truly listens to God. If you would have the opportunity to hear him speak, you will know that he believes in prayer first and speech second.

Pastor Morris set aside all that he had been taught about baptism and asked, "What does the Bible say?" Some of his insights may surprise you. After examining scripture, looking at every detail carefully including every form of the Greek and Hebrew words used for baptism, he found no reasonable cause to deny infant baptism or insist on full immersion.

I have two reasons for recommending this book.

First, for the cause of unity among all Christians, there is a need for understanding and respect of those who hold the same belief in salvation through Jesus Christ, God and Lord, yet practice their faith in a manner than may be unfamiliar. Second, in becoming mature Christians we need to do more than recite back what others have told us. We need to truly understand our faith practices along with those of others, and why each one of us believes as we do. This comes first from study of scripture, then prayer and meditation, and reading and sharing what is in our hearts with fellow believers.

To purchase a copy of Baptism: God's Activity of Grace through Quality Music and Books please CLICK HERE.


I am babamarusia (Grandma Mary).
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