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Saturday, July 25, 2009

CHURCH ON FIRE! Pastor Morris Vaagenes Book Review

Church on Fire!
Pastor Morris Vaagenes, author
ISBN 978-1-60702-324-1
Retail price: $15.00

Recommended Book

Pastor Morris Vaagenes, coming upon his 80th year of dedicated Christian life, recently became the interim Senior Pastor at the church where my husband and I attend. Never having attended a large church in my life and knowing that Dr. Vaagenes had pastored not only a large church, but a HUGE church with multiple locations, I wasn't quite sure what to expect.

If you have never attended a mega church, or if you have become jaded by all those television preachers that seem to only what your money (though not all preachers on TV are in this category), you are in for a big wonderful surprise.

This book is not about how to grow a mega church as much as it is about a life dedicated to our glorious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is about a human being not afraid to get down on his knees and beg for deeper faith, the Holy Spirit, and understanding. It is about celebrating what God has done, and about a man who needed to get out of the way so that God could do HIS work.

Morris began life in Madigascar, with his parents who had come from Norway through America as missionaries. He went about life with his brother, Carl, speaking Malagasy in everyday life, English at home, and praying in Norwegian. He has spoken to large crowds, seen the miraculous wonders of the Holy Spirit in real life, and still desires to serve--when others would have stepped down to relax and enjoy the "pleasures" of life.

You will read about being sustained in sorrow, turning to God in loneliness, and be encouraged to stay the course and serve the one Lord and Master of all, the GREAT I AM.

To purchase this book through Quality Music and Books please CLICK HERE.

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