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Sunday, April 11, 2010

A CUP OF COLD WATER by Christine Farenhorst Book Review

A Cup of Cold Water
Chosen Daughter Series
Christine Farenhorst, author
P&R Publishing (Presbyterian & Reformed)
ISBN 978-1159638-026-4
Release Date: September 2007

Recommended Book

A Cup of Cold Water is the biography/semi-historical novel account of the life of Edith Cavell, an ordinary girl and woman whose father, Rev. Frederick Cavell, was a pastor in Swardeston, England.  Edith was raised in a loving home and schooled by her father.  The Cavell family lived to serve God through deeds done in the community of their parish.  Though certainly never wealthy, they had more comforts and provisions than many--and for those who did not have the Reverend Cavell and his wife shared, cared, and brought comfort, and taught their children to do the same.

As an adult nearing the age of thirty, Edith felt it was time for her to choose a profession within which she could serve others.  Previously having been employed as a nanny, it was her wish now to train as a nurse.  Upon completion of her nursing education, Edith worked in various capacities within her field, after which she was contacted by Dr. Antoine Depage in Belgium to set up a nursing school (Berkendael Institute), something which was sorely needed in this country.

Edith was very successful due to her tireless efforts in creating a nursing school that would be held in high esteem by all.  The time came that rumors of war were heard all over Europe.  When the threat became iminent she sent off as many of her students as wished to return to their home countries.  

The country of Belgium had taken a neutral stance, but could not remain immune to WWI and invasion by Germany.  As for Edith herself, she felt strongly that God was leading her to remain in Belgium.

When Germany requested permission to bring their military through Belgium to invade France, the request was denied.  This didn't stop Germany from doing what they wanted.  The city of Brussels, the location of the Berkendael Institute was supposed to be left alone.  It was not.

Miss Edith Cavell was of an exemplary character throughout her life.  She was compassionate and truthful.  This presented a dilemma for our heroine when asked to help Britsh soldiers flee from her city that was occupied by the Germans--how could she maintain her belief that medical care was for all, always be truthful as God commanded her to be, and yet help those who were her allies escape?

In the end, Edith's participation with those who Germany considered the enemy was disconvered and she was arrested.  Edith was true to her faith and the God she loved and did not lie.  For this she was executed by firing squad and martyred for her faith and her country.  The Germans thought her death would create fear that would work to their advantage.  They were wrong.

I recommend this book wholeheartedly for adults and teens.  This is an excellent book for discussion: what do we do when called upon to compromise how the Holy Bible--God's truth--tells us we are to live?  I read it almost cover to cover.  It is a marvelous testimony to the Christian life well-lived.  Author Christine Farenhorst did an excellent job at combining the facts of Edith Cavell's life into an historical novel that will be an inspiration to all who read it.

Mary and Rick May own, an online webstore base in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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