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Sunday, April 11, 2010


Ruth Bell Graham: A Pilgrim Journey
Celebrating an Extraordinary Life
Audio Book: 3 Compact Discs
Walter Cronkite, Narrator

ISBN: 0-8499-6380-X
Thomas Nelson, Publisher
Release date: May 17, 2005

Recommended Audio Book

A great advantage of the internet is the wealth of books, music, and other products once thought to be hard to get if not a recent production, publication or out-of-print is now more often than not readily available--just a click away.

I have listened to the three discs included in this audio edition of Ruth Bell Graham's life before, and having just listened again I thought it a good time to put in a recommended book review. 

Ruth Bell Graham, the wife of evangelist Billy Graham, is no less extraordinary or inspirational than her husband.  In this audiobook, one of her children states than if not for Ruth, Billy Graham could not have accomplished all that he did.

Now having known several adults that began life as children of missionaries to foreign countries, I can state that Ruth Graham's early years of life in China were not necessarily unique for someone in her position.  These years are unique, however, and would still be considered unusual for the average American citizen today as they were when Ruth was a child.  This does not mean that her childhood was inappropriate or bad by any means of measurement--in fact, quite the opposite.

Raised by parents devoted to God's service, the difficulty of going away from family to boarding school, the times when family members are very far apart--sometimes on opposite sides of the world.  It would be unbearable for all but the most stoic if not for God's love and ever-present presence.

There is a lot that we can learn from hearing or reading about the life of this woman of exemplary character.  This particular edition that contains three audio discs includes the excellent narration of Walter Cronkite, a semi-dramatic interpretation of portions of her life, recitations of her poetry, and first-hand accounts from those who have had the privilege of knowing or having come in contact with Ruth Bell Graham.

This edition is currently out-of-print.  It is available both used and new through many online book sites.

Mary and Rick May own, and online music, book, and gift webstore.

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